Google Tag Manager Server-Side Tagging: Tutorial

Photo de profil de Lucas Rollin Lucas Rollin

Updated: Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The aim of this article is to give you all the keys you need to determine whether implementing a GTM server-side tagging setup is right for your business, and also the steps you need to take to implement it.

Before going any further, you might be interested in a more specific guide:

What is the difference between client-side and server-side tagging?

What is Google Tag Manager Client-Side Tagging?

In client side tagging, Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that collects data on your website and sends this data to marketing platforms such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads or Facebook Ads via the browser.

flowchart LR
    subgraph Browser
        A[Your website]
        subgraph I[Google Tag Manager]
            F(GA4 tracking code)
            G(Google Ads tracking code)
            H(Facebook Pixel)
    C[Google Analytics 4 server]
    D[Facebook Ads server]
    E[Google Ads server]
    A --> I
    Browser -- --> C
    Browser -- --> D
    Browser -- --> E

The browser then sends requests directly to the marketing platforms you work with. Thanks to tracking codes, these platforms can deposit first-party or third-party cookies in the browser to identify the same visitor across multiple visits and/or link a visitor to a click on an ad.

Benefits of client side tagging

  1. relatively simple to set up (the biggest complexity lies in manipulating the Data Layer)
  2. the community has developed numerous tag and variable templates to make your life easier
  3. there are many tutorials on the Internet to help you
  4. it’s what’s been done for a long time, so it’s easier to find these skills on the market (whether you’re recruiting or outsourcing)
  5. Google Tag Manager Client-Side is completely free

Drawbacks of client side tagging

  1. cookies deposited via JavaScript are subject to restrictions in most browsers
  2. tends to increase page load times, as you need to add one tracking code per marketing platform
  3. you have very little control over the data you send to marketing platforms (data collected automatically)
  4. requests sent to marketing platforms may be blocked by ad blockers

What is Google Tag Manager Server-Side Tagging?

Instead of sending requests to each server of the marketing platforms you use, you’ll only send requests to your own server. Your server will then communicate with the marketing platforms.

flowchart TD
    subgraph Browser
        A[Your website]
        subgraph I[GTM Client-Side]
            F(GA4 tracking code)
    subgraph J[Your server - Hosted on GCP or Addingwell or Stape]
        subgraph K[GTM Server-Side]
            R[GA4 Client]
            L[Google Ads tag]
            M[Facebook Ads tag]
            N[Google Analytics tag]
    R --> L
    R --> M
    R --> N
    Browser <-- HTTP --> J
    L -- --> O[Google Ads API]
    M -- --> P[Facebook Ads API]
    N -- --> Q[Google Analytics API]

Benefits of server side tagging

  1. reduces your website loading time (especially when sending data to a lot of marketing platforms)
  2. gives you total control over what data is sent to marketing platforms, as your server acts as an intermediary (dictating what data gets through and what doesn’t). This is a game changer for data privacy.
  3. you’re less prone to ad blockers (with specific configuration), as GTM and GA4 javascript libraries in particular can be downloaded from your server with unique paths.
  4. improved data quality because cookies deposited by the server will be less subject to browser restrictions and will have a longer lifespan.

Drawbacks of server side tagging

  1. cloud hosting of your server has a cost and is complex to maintain (facilitated by Addingwell or Stape)
  2. requires more skills to set up (mastering GTM Client-Side is not enough to be operational with GTM Server-Side)

Client-Side VS Server-Side skills

  root[Client-Side <br>vs Server-Side skills]
      (CSS selectors)
      (HTML DOM)

        (Requests and responses)
        (Load balancing)
        (Monitoring <br>of resources)

What tools are needed for server side tagging?

It may seem paradoxical, but the main benefits that come with GTM Server-Side (bypassing ad-blockers, extending cookie lifetime) are not natively available when you go through Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

=> To take full advantage of GTM Server-Side, I strongly advise you to delegate your cloud management to a hosting provider.

To this end, I’m going to present 2 solutions (Addingwell and Stape) that manage the entire infrastructure/cloud of the server-side implementation from A to Z. This will enable you to choose the solution best suited to your needs.

Before getting started, here’s a table comparing the 2 solutions.

From90 euros/month20 euros/month
Requests on lowest plan2,000,000500,000
Free requests100,00010,000
SupportYes, premium (meeting with sGTM specialists) and unlimited1 hour of call time per month only with the Enterprise plan
Account ManagerYes with Enterprise PlanYes with Enterprise Plan

Set up Addingwell

Addingwell: Best Tagging Server for GTM server-side.

Create my Addingwell account

Try for free no credit card required

Container creation

Once you’ve created your Addingwell account, you’ll be asked to create a container. This container will host GTM Server-Side.

Creating a container on Addingwell
Creating a container on Addingwell

The next screen asks for a Container Config, which we’ll find in the next step in gtm server side container.

Container Config screen on Addingwell
Container Config screen on Addingwell

Creating a GTM Server-Side container

Go to, then on the account of your choice create a Server container.

Creating a new container in GTM Server-Side
Creating a new container in GTM Server-Side

Select Server as Target Platform.

Choosing Server as target platform
Choosing Server as target platform

Then click Create to create your server container. You will then come to a popup where you must select the Maunally provision tagging server option. As soon as this option is selected, the Container Config appears.

Manual provisioning of server to get Container Config
Manual provisioning of server to get Container Config

Copy the Container Config and paste it into the Addingwell interface. Then click Next.

Adding the Container Config in Addingwell
Adding the Container Config in Addingwell

Congratulations, at this stage you’ve made the link between the Addingwell infrastructure and your server container on Google Tag Manager.

Creating the custom domain

In this section, we’ll link a sub-domain of your main domain to your Addingwell container. Since my main domain is, the sub-domain I’ll choose is aw. The access URL to my tagging server will therefore be

Fill in this information in Addgingwell then click Next.

Adding the subdomain in Addingwell
Adding the subdomain in Addingwell

The Addingwell container is now waiting for DNS configuration.

Waiting for DNS configuration in Addingwell
Waiting for DNS configuration in Addingwell

DNS configuration

As specified on the Addingwell interface, here are the two DNS records I need to configure:

Record TypeHostValue

The configuration of these records must be done on your DNS host. As far as I’m concerned, my website’s DNS records are managed on Cloudflare.

A record in cloudflare pointing to Addingwell
A record in cloudflare pointing to Addingwell
AAAA record in cloudflare pointing to Addingwell
AAAA record in cloudflare pointing to Addingwell

Congratulations, your custom domain is now configured.

Finalizing Addingwell configuration

On the Addingwell side, the server is now being provisioned.

Addingwell server provisioning in progress
Addingwell server provisioning in progress...

A few minutes later, your server is ready to use.

Addingwell server ready for use
Addingwell server ready for use

All that’s left is to specify your server URL in GTM Server-Side in Admin > Container Settings.

Configuring the server URL in GTM Server Side
Configuring the server URL in GTM Server Side

Congratulations, you’ve finished configuring your server with Addingwell, you can now open the preview on GTM Server Side and start sending requests to your server.

Functional GTM Server Side preview
Functional GTM Server Side preview

Set up Stape

Stape: Server-Side Tagging Made Easy For Everyone.

Create my Stape account

Join 100 000+ happy customers

Container creation

Once your account is created, go to your Dashboard and click on Create sGTM container.

Button to create a container in Stape
Button to create a container in Stape

Next, give your container a name and specify the location of the servers. At this stage you can leave the Container Config field empty, as we’ll fill it in later.

Creating the Stape container
Creating the Stape container

Stape will then offer you their prices, so you can start with the free plan.

Creating the GTM Server-Side container

Go to, then on the account of your choice create a Server container.

Button to create a new container in GTM
Button to create a new container in GTM

Select Server as Target Platform.

Choosing Server as target platform
Choosing Server as target platform

Then click Create to create your server container. You will then come to a popup where you must select the Maunally provision tagging server option. As soon as this option is selected, the Container Config appears.

Manual provisioning of server to get Container Config
Manual provisioning of server to get Container Config

Copy the Container Config and return to the Stape interface. In the Container settings section, click on Edit.

Container settings section in Stape
Container settings section in Stape

Fill in the Container Config then click Save.

Adding the Container Config in Stape
Adding the Container Config in Stape

Congratulations, after a few minutes your Stape container is now in Running state. We can now move on to creating a custom domain.

Stape container in Running state
Stape container in Running state

Custom domain creation

In your Stape interface, click on the Add custom domain button.

Add custom domain button in Stape
Add custom domain button in Stape

Enter the URL you want for your tagging server, choose manual connection and click Next.

Adding a custom domain in Stape
Adding a custom domain in Stape

Stape now offers you to configure a DNS record.

Waiting for DNS configuration in Stape
Waiting for DNS configuration in Stape

DNS configuration

As specified on the Stape interface, here’s the DNS record I need to configure:

Record TypeHostValue

The configuration of this record must be done on your DNS host. As far as I’m concerned, my website’s DNS records are managed on Cloudflare.

CNAME record in cloudflare pointing to Stape
CNAME record in cloudflare pointing to Stape

Return to the Stape interface and click Verify. A few minutes later, your server is ready to use.

Stape server ready for use
Stape server ready for use

Congratulations, your custom domain is now configured.

Finalizing Stape configuration

All that remains is to specify your server URL in GTM Server-Side in Admin > Container Settings.

Configuring the server URL in GTM Server Side
Configuring the server URL in GTM Server Side

Congratulations, you’ve finished configuring your server with Stape, you can now open the preview on GTM Server Side and start sending requests to your server.

Functional GTM Server Side preview
Functional GTM Server Side preview

Send your data to the server

To send data to your server, we’ll use GA4 as a carrier.

On the client-side, you need to tell the Google tag to send the data to your server. To do this, you need to add the server_container_url parameter to the configuration settings.

The value should be the URL of your server.

Add server_container_url parameter to Google tag configuration settings.
Add server_container_url parameter to Google tag configuration settings.

If certain event tags are triggered before the Google tag, they will use the default configuration and send requests directly to GA4 without passing through your server. This will lead to problems in the data stream later on.

To avoid this, it’s best to add the server_container_url parameter as an event parameter for all your GA4 event tags.

Adding the server_container_url parameter to the event parameters of GA4 event tags.
Adding the server_container_url parameter to the event parameters of GA4 event tags.

What is a Client?

A client listens to requests arriving on your server. If it recognizes a request as its own (for example, the GA4 client recognizes /g/collect requests) then it will “Claim” it.

Only one client can Claim a request. In other words, one and the same request cannot be Claimed by several clients at the same time.

A client has a priority. The client with the highest priority will claim a request before other clients.

Once a client has Claimed a request, it will retrieve the information inside to extract an event name and event data that can be used by tags to send this data and/or get triggered.

GA4 client claims a request
GA4 client claims a request

Configuring the GA4 client

The GA4 client is present by default in a new GTM Server-Side container.

Client GA4
Client GA4

Default GA4 paths

This checkbox is checked by default. It allows the GA4 client to listen for /g/collect requests.

If you uncheck it, the client will no longer Claim GA4 event requests.

Default gtag.js paths for specific IDs

This checkbox enables gtag.js files (e.g. the GA4 library) to be delivered from your server.

Cookies and client ID

When you’re in Client-Side, the cookie used by GA4 to identify a user is _ga.

When you switch to Server-Side, the cookie used by default (initial GA4 client configuration) to identify a user is FPID for First-Party IDentifier.

In the configuration you can choose to continue using the _ga cookie, to use the FPID cookie or a mix of the two.

Javascript managed

The _ga cookie will always be used even if you’re in Server-Side.

Server managed

The FPID cookie will be used.

When in server-managed mode, you can also check the Migrate from JavaScript Managed Client ID checkbox. This will continue to use the _ga cookie for existing users, but will also drop the FPID for new users.

Configuring the GA4 tag

Since we’re using the GA4 data standard to send data to the server, configuring the GA4 tag is pretty straightforward, as it will pass the data through to your GA4 property.

To simply send the data to GA4, you can create the tag and leave the configuration empty.

Server-side GA4 tag configuration
Server-side GA4 tag configuration

If you have configured Consent Mode on the client-side and are using the GA4 standard to send data to your server, server-side tags will automatically take Consent Mode into account.

Consent Mode values are sent in the GA4 request via the gcs and gcd parameters.

These values are then extracted by the GA4 client, which will propose them in the event data in the x-ga-gcs and x-ga-gcd parameters. The gcd parameter can also be found in x-sst-system_properties.gcd.

It is these parameters that will adapt the behavior of Google tags (GA4, Google Ads and Floodlight) on the server side.

Preview tabs


Here you can see which client has Claimed the request, as well as incoming and outgoing requests from your server.

Request tab in GTM Server-Side preview
Request tab in GTM Server-Side preview


As in the Tag Assistant on the client-side, here you can see which tags have been triggered and which have not.

Tags tab in GTM Server-Side preview
Tags tab in GTM Server-Side preview


As with GTM WEB, there are built-in variables and also user-defined variables on the server side.

Variables tab in GTM Server-Side preview
Variables tab in GTM Server-Side preview

As a reminder, built-in variables are pre-existing variables that you can enable or disable in your container.

User-defined variables are variables you have to configure yourself. For example, the Event data variable will be useful on the server side for fetching a specific parameter from event data.

Event data

Event data are all parameters that have been retrieved from the incoming GA4 request.

As a reminder, this event data is generated by the GA4 client.

Event Data tab in GTM Server-Side preview
Event Data tab in GTM Server-Side preview


The console, displays messages sent by tags when they are triggered.

These messages can be information, warnings or errors.

Console tab in GTM Server-Side preview
Console tab in GTM Server-Side preview


With transformations, you can add, modify or exclude parameters in event data.

As soon as a transformation is applied, tags must use the transformed parameters and no longer the original event data.

Transformations in GTM Server-Side
Transformations in GTM Server-Side


No. Your client-side implementation can be reduced to a single tag type (e.g. GA4) that will send the data to your server, this will reduce your website loading time as you'll have fewer tags. All your triggers will still be useful. If you've set up a Data Layer, this doesn't have to go to waste either, the client container will continue to use it.
You can update your client-side tagging plan if you remove certain tags. You can also create a tagging plan for the server-side. On the other hand, the events you measure will remain the same, the switch to server-side changes from a technical point of view the way the data is fed back to the marketing platforms but doesn't change your measurement strategy in any way.
Yes. GTM server-side is just a different technical implementation, but this doesn't change anything in terms of current legislation.
In a classic server-side configuration, you only need to have the GA4 tags on the client side. Everything else is on the server side. There are exceptions (e.g. bing, clarity, etc.).
To see server-side events you need to have configured the server_container_url parameter in your client-side Google tag. You also need to open the client-side preview to see the events appear in your server preview.